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Specialisation: Visual Culture

As my specialisation I chose the program Visual Culture. Learning about creative photography, videography and theory behind visuals in way of storytelling. During this semester we have assignments that turned into creative projects shared here.

Our first project of the semester was: Photoweek. During this week we had one week to create a meaningful image regarding to current changes in fashion. My subject for this assignment was: Fashion gender crossovers. Because of modern social media, people from all over the world have acces to all. This includes the introduction to alternative ways of feeling and dressing. Fashion has always been restricted to genders, but currently brands are starting to blur those lines by creating mixed collections or gender neutral. I visualized this in an image where a male doll is dressed up in a more feminine way. Looking at this image I want to create confusion to the viewer - are you looking from a male perspective, a female perspective or is this something you cannot yet give a place too.




The second project of this semester was named: Sequence. During this project we had to choose a specific collection from a designer or brand, and create a storytelling in a sequence of how the collection would come to life, in close relationship to the current zeitgeist. I chose the 2015 collection of designer Jeremy Scott from Moschino. This collection has a centralized idea about the behaving of modern barbies. 


I myself have a deep interest in pop culture and looked at this collection from a pop culture perspective. In modern day media, the 'barbies' of the industry are controlled by all. They are pulled each way, and give a specific way of acting and delivering. These females eventually get stuck in their own universe and lose their current sense of reality.


This concept I tried visualizing: A modern day industry barbie that lost it's way.


The final project of the photography period: Storybook. For this project we continued with the designer from the previous assignment, but for this assignment we would look at him/her as a whole: personality, life path, collections etc. So for this project I was working with designer Jeremy Scott. Describing himself as the balancing point between Fashion & Popculture. For this storybook I created a visual storytelling of a person who is surrounded by darkness and is looking for a pathway out, this 'Stargazer' gets distracted by all that glitters but eventually finds his path to the colorful world he wants. Stargazer is inspired by Jeremy who is chasing this stars in several ways, working with them but also following his own dreams. (Full Storybook viewable in PDF - available next to title for download)


During our first project of the film period we had to work in groups of 6 on a short film. Our subject we got was: Fashion Horror Movie during this week we focused on creating a psychological fashion horror. I worked as a director: Focussing on creating a script, conceptualizing and creating a coherent directors vision, while also working on set as a director. (The video is copyrighted, therefore it has this filter on it - contact for full 1,8gb video)

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